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- Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
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- SECTION C: Business and Support Services
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- SECTION CA | Appropriations and Revenue Sources
- SECTION CAA | Appropriations
- SECTION CAB | Bond Issue
- SECTION CAC | Time Warrants
- SECTION CAD | Certificates of Indebtedness
- SECTION CAE | Loans and Notes
- SECTION CAF | Ad Valorem Taxes
- SECTION CAG | Investments
- SECTION CAH | Sale, Trade or Lease of College Property
- SECTION CAH.1 | Sale, Trade or Lease of College Property
- SECTION CAI | Grants, Funds and Donations
- SECTION CAI.1 | Grant Management Procedures
- SECTION CAJ | Rentals and Service Charges
- SECTION CB | Depository of Funds
- SECTION CC | Annual Operating Budget
- SECTION CD | Accounting
- SECTION CD.1 | Accounting
- SECTION CD.2 | Cash Handling Procedures
- SECTION CD.3 | Fixed Assets
- SECTION CD.4 | Financial Reports and Statements
- SECTION CD.5 | Accounting Inventories
- SECTION CD.6 | Accounting Audits
- SECTION CD.7 | Accountability
- SECTION CD.8 | Travel Procedures
- SECTION CD.9 | Taxation of Gifts, Prizes, and Awards to Employees
- SECTION CE | Purchasing and Acquisitions
- SECTION CF | Safety Program
- SECTION CG | Site Management
- SECTION CH | Equipment, Supply and Records Management
- SECTION CI | Transportation Management
- SECTION CJ | Insurance and Annuities
- SECTION CK | Facilities Planning and Standards
- SECTION CL | College District Auxiliary Enterprises
- SECTION CM | Technology Resources
- SECTION CN | Information Security
- SECTION CO | Intellectual Property
Implement a comprehensive program to identify and control a wide range of campus related health, safety, property, and other operational risks. Maintain comprehensive insurance coverage through TASB to insure a wide range of risks. In summary, to develop a risk aware culture and implement risk control solutions that benefit our campus community members as well as protecting our institution.
Core Components:
Risk identification
Risk assessment
Risk control measures and insurance coverage
Auditing for continuous improvement
Risk management is a team effort that requires every member of our community to participate.
Risk: exposure to a hazard (condition or activity) that may result in an accident, injury, loss of property or liability claim to Navarro College
Hazard Identification: hazards may be identified by on-site inspections performed by the Safety/Risk Management Office, Physical Plant, Facility Management, Insurance Loss Control Specialists, Safety Committee Members, as well as an employee-based observation and reporting system.
In general, risk control involves five options:
1. Preventing – training, supervision and managing with programs, policies, procedures
2. Avoiding – eliminate high risk activity
3. Reducing – managing with policies, programs, procedures
4. Transferring – waivers/releases, contracts/agreements, outsource to vendor/contractor & multi-line insurance coverages
5. Separating
Risk is typically controlled by implementing engineering controls for physical safety risks along with policies, programs, and procedures for all types of risks. Risk management reduces the overall impact of unplanned losses to the organization.
General Categories of Potential Risks/Hazards:
1. facility or property related
a. fire safety
b. equipment
c. electrical
d. slip/trip/fall
e. access/egress
f. general housekeeping
g. public safety - security
2. process, task, equipment related
a. chemical
b. biological
c. physical hazards
d. material handling
e. equipment/tools/machines
f. slip, trip, fall
3. environmental
a. floods, natural disasters – emergency response
b. air, land, water pollution
c. hazardous waste
4 liability
a. event related
b. transportation
c. youth interaction
5. other
a. workplace violence
b. harassment
c. drugs/alcohol
Approved: 2021
Reviewed: 2022, 2024